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New Dryland Area in Osseo West

By OMGHA, 10/24/15, 9:00AM CDT


Expanding developmental opportunities for our players

OMGHA is pleased to announce the opening of the new and improved Osseo West  dryland area.  The board approved funding to renovate the existing area last spring and the project was completed this fall.  The renovations included the removal of bleachers and install a dryland area rink and plyometric area for team use. 

To Book:  Visit or Navigate to Travel > Skills > Dryland Reservation

This dryland facility has the capability for the following hockey training:

Shooting – Stickhandling – Passing–Walkthrough Positioning

Strength Training for Core, Legs and Arms

Agility and Speed Training

Equipment available for use includes: plyometic boxes, steps, slide boards, medicine balls and bosu balls, agility dots, agility ladders, agility hurdles, and jump ropes

This area will no longer be available for un-supervised children.

Teams will need to sign up to use the area.  The area will be locked and only coaches will be given access to the combination lock.  Any team that fails to use the area with respect will lose their dryland privileges. All teams must be accompanied with a coach while using the area and all players must wear helmets in the rink section of the dryland area. 

There will be no shooting until safety netting is installed the first week of November. 

There will be more information to come from the dryland room coordinator around room reservation.  Please always remember to leave it the way you found it.