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2024-2025 Volunteer Season

** Volunteer Hours/Positions for the 2024-2025 Season will begin early September**

The 2024-2025 volunteer season will begin with Pre-Tryout Clinics and run through the end of April (4/30/25).    You must register your child prior to claiming any volunteer positions through DIBs.   NOTE:  No Volunteer Hours required for Mini-Mite or Jr.Gold/U19 players.

** Like us on Facebook to receive notification when hours are posted. **

Volunteer Ideas

Don't know what to sign up for--check out this list below for ideas.

DIBS (On-line Volunteer System)

You must complete the 2024-2025 OMGHA Registration process to begin selecting volunteer opportunities. Once that account has been created, you can still assign tasks to any person in your family through that one account.

  • OMGHA registration will automatically enroll you in DIBS as a 1 player or 2 (or more) player family unless you exercised a volunteer buyout.
  • Email reminders will be sent out one business day prior to your assignment.
  • Ability to select volunteer opportunities by date or category (concessions, tryouts, tournaments, etc). DIBS shows one month out from todays date. You can simply set your own data range filtering by choosing dates using the built in calendar functionality.
  • A family cannot work extra hours in one season to "carry over" to the following season.  
  • You cannot bring an "extra" person to work your shift with you and expect double the hours.    We post the number of positions that we need for each event. 

How to "claim" an item?  Log into and click on LOGIN (located in the upper left hand corner of the screen) and enter username and password. You must use the same username and password that your registered your child with. Click on 2024-2025 OMGHA Volunteering. When you find an item that works, simply click on that item and select "claim this DIB item". You may filter your choices by date or category.  Note:  You cannot sign-up for over-lapping positions during the same time slot.   You will be asked to cancel one.

How to view "claimed" DIB items? If you sign up for an opportunity online and can't remember the information, simply log on with your username and password (located in the upper left hand corner of the screen) and click on "UTOOLS" (located on main menu bar) and then My Dibs: View all my currently claimed DIB items or CLICK HERE.

What to do if you selected a duty to work and you can't make it? Log in with your username and password (located in the upper left hand corner of the screen) . Click on My Dibs: View all of my currently claimed DIB items. Select the duty you want to cancel and click on "cancel claim". Each task will have a stated cancellation period, which is typically 7 days. Once you've cancelled the duty, this will then be put back into the pool of volunteer opportunities.  Note:  Level Directors may cancel a scheduled ice time if they no longer need it (i.e. Tryouts) and you will be notified via e-mail.    No hours will be given in these cases.

What to do after you have worked the shift? After you have completed the assigned duty, you may view your DIB items by entering your username and password  (located in the upper left hand corner of the screen) . Click on My Dibs: View all my currently claimed DIB items. You can then click on the text that is in the DIB ITEM column (for example, concessions).  Dibs are verified manually by the volunteer coordinators after the shift is completed and generally done in batches.  There is no need to send a message to "verify completion".  After tournament weekends this can take up to a week as we wait for confirmation from the tournament directors on attendance of the volunteers.

CLICK HERE to start choosing opportunities that OMGHA has available for you to sign up for!  Or "click" DIBS on the top toolbar (upper right-hand corner).

Background Screening 

Background:   In June 2010, the USA Hockey Board of Directors with a nearly unanimous vote adopted a policy mandating locker room monitoring for all USA Hockey youth teams, including teams of all USA Hockey affiliates.  The rule simply provides that teams “…have at least one responsible adult present directly monitoring the locker room during all team events….”   USA Hockey 2010-11 Annual Guide, p. 35.  

To Complete your Background Screening for Off-Ice Volunteers:

  • USA Number: When filling out the background screening form it will ask you for a USA Confirmation #.  Register as a volunteer through USA Hockey first (at no cost) - select Ice Manager/Volunteer - and complete the questions starting at the following link: https://www.membership.usahockey.comYou will need to apply for a new number every year.
  • Background Screening: Now you can complete the background screening form from the Minnesota Hockey site at the following link:  Please note that MN Hockey is charging a $30 fee for the background screening which will not be reimbursed by OMGHA.
  • Results: The background screening process generally takes 3-10 business days to complete.  Please fill out the following Google form with your information and USA HOCKEY confirmation number.  This will allow us to track your screening and know when it is completed.  Failure to do this may result in cancellation of your dib session if we are unable to show a completed screening.  USA Hockey number google form


Please refer to link below for cleared background screening lists 

***If you have any questions regarding the online system or background screening, please contact  background check coordinator at 

Volunteer Policy

Our association operates solely on a volunteer basis. In order to provide quality programs and to create a positive, fun and a quality environment for our players, we need help from every participating family. Our policy is for every family to commit to at least 14 hours/credits of volunteer time for one player and 20 hours/credits for two or more players.  Note:  No Volunteer Hours required for Mini-Mite or Jr. Gold/U19 players.   

For the 2024-2025 season, the volunteer deposit is $750.00 per player ($1500 max collected per family). The deposit check will be held and WILL NOT BE CASHED unless the family does not satisfy its volunteer requirement within the allotted timeframe. Upon completion of the volunteer requirement, the deposit check will be voided and destroyed.

Because it is important to insure we have the proper number of volunteers available for OMGHA events, DIBS sessions that are unclaimed within five days of a particular event (i.e., OMGHA tournaments) may be released to and claimed by paid volunteers.   Please look to claim DIBS sessions sooner than five days in advance of a particular event.  We need to know we will have fully staffed events in order to run quality tournaments and jamborees.

*HEADS UP*:  At registration you are able to buy out of the volunteer commitment.  

Angie Peterson and Angie Passehl


Volunteer hours for Coaches, Assistant Coaches and Team Managers are listed below:

Team Managers – 20 volunteer hours (House) and 30 volunteer hours (travel) – if you have two or more Team Managers, hours can be split among Management Team. NEW THIS YEAR-no manager hours can be given to unrostered volunteers (example: videography, game sheet, announcing/music, scrimmage coordinator).

House coaching staff - total of 100 hours for the entire coaching staff.

Travel coaching staff - total of 80 hours for the entire coaching staff.  The only exception being teams with paid coaches (see below).

*** Please note: hours cannot be shared between the manager budgeted hours and coaching budgeted hours.  

Coaching and managing hours will only be awarded to coaches and managers that are rostered with OMGHA to coach/manage and have completed all of their requirements.  If requirements are not fulfilled by December 31st, hours will be reduced.


Volunteer hours for Travel teams with paid coaching staff

Team Manager – 30 volunteer hours

Teams with one paid head coach and three paid assistant coaches will not be given coaching volunteer hours.  If teams do not have three paid assistant coaches, 20 hours can be allocated to each assistant coach short of this standard (for a maximum of 40 hours).  These coaches must be registered as coaches with the association and must be actively on the ice with the skaters coaching.  

Hours cannot be given to volunteers from the coaching or managing budget for team support duties (ex. videotaping, stats, etc.).  

*Exceptions may be made for paid coaches that have players in the association playing for another team and have dib hours to complete.  Please email the volunteer coordinators with questions.

No Show Penalty or Cancellations less than 7 days

If you are signed up to work a shift and do not show up, there will be a penalty.  All positions in DIBs allow cancellation prior to 7 days of the volunteer position date.   If less than 7 days, then an Administrator must release the position.  The penalty is as follows:

First Offense $50 fine 

Second Offense $100 fine

Third Offense Forfeit full Volunteer Deposit